This webpage is a response to the many thousands of survivors I have corresponded with over the previous decade, through email, phone calls, meetings, and conferences. Victims of sexual abuse are looking for support and information. As a result, I compiled these resources to share with these survivors. I believe that this information is useful to victims and survivors.
Please review the many pages on this website important for survivors.
My Story shares my story of abuse, how my buried memories emerged decades later, how I fought back. I also document my correspondence with the Catholic Church. Sprinkled in the essays are some family photos. Photos are important to graphically demonstrate how my rape at age twelve changed me. I was just a kid.
Survivor Support provides support and resources. Most of which has been helpful for me. Many references are outlined in this section.
Take Action page give resources to you to fight back. It gives your databases, resources, and links. For example, how and when to contact the FBI? A sub-folder is on Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, SNAP that lays out their history, work, legislative action, and programs. I say check it out.
Survivors Movement examines how survivors have created a great social movement that is changing the world. Over 160 national survivor organizations have formed in the last twenty years. In addition, there are many thousands of blogs, FB pages, Twitter accounts, coalitions, and national associations that demand justice. I am writing a book on this.
Media page looks at the 150 media interviews I did the previous ten years as SNAP President and Board of Directors member. Does that make me an expert? Maybe. Open to be interviewed on sexual abuse within religious communities. If I can’t help, I have hundreds of referrals to other survivor movement leaders around the world.
Resources and Links provide a wealth of databases, toolkits, fact sheets, links, etc. One interesting document in this section is on the economic costs of sexual abuse. Read it.
The Blog page presents all my blog posts over the last couple of years, some commentary on healing, fight back, as well contemporary issues such as politics.
My interest is to have a broad spectrum of information easily accessible, in one place, so that victims and survivors can use it for their healing. For instance, for those who have been harmed by sexual abuse, I want to ensure that you can find resources to help
A New Movement Emerges from the Courage of Survivors
I am working on a book about survivors who have created a new social movement. The individuals and organizations who are supporting survivors, protecting the children, and the vulnerable, lobbying for stronger laws, create this new movement. Our common objectives strengthen each other and advance the mission and have power working as a movement. A suggested name is the Survivors Create a Movement for Respect and Dignity. Check the link out. What do you think?
Comments, Criticisms, and Suggestions Are Welcomed
I welcome your comments, criticisms, and suggestions. Let me hear from you. Here is a listing of all my contacts, email, FB, Twitter, etc: https://linktr.ee/timlennon
Tim Lennon
December 2021